Sunday, August 18, 2013

I survived!

PHEW!  I survived the first two days of school.  It was so much fun to see the kiddos again and see how much they have grown, get to know some new friends, and review routines.  Luckily, I can just jump right back into learning since I had most of my friends last year.  They are such an awesome group, and so welcoming to our new friends too!  I am so lucky to work with these kids and their families.  :)

So here is something new-ish in my room:  

No, the slightly rusty storage cabinets are not new, but the super cute polka-dotted covering are!  Check this out-- I bought a roll of wrapping paper (yep, from the dollar store for a buck each!), laminated the ENTIRE ROLL, cut it out, cut each roll in half width wise, and added mega-strong magnets to the backside.  VIOLA~ instant adorable cabinet make-over!  And the cool part is #1-- it only cost $2 to cover BOTH cabinets; and #2-- if I don;t like it, I can easily change it; and finally-- I can write on them or still use magnets through the thin laminated paper.  WOOHOOO!

Thanks for stopping by!  Happy Teaching!

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